Educational Symposium
One of the potential opportunities the OAMP is exploring is offering our members a 1-day educational symposium on a selected topic or selected topics. In order for us to best serve our members in developing a symposium which is beneficial, we would kindly request that our members complete the following questions on Survey Monkey (click here).
The results will be anonymized and we will use this information to determine if there is an appropriate demand for a symposium, and if there is, what topics would be of interest, etc.
The polling will open up upon the sending of this newsletter and will be closed August 25,
3rd Annual General Meeting
It’s that time again!
The OAMP 3rd Annual General Meeting (AGM) will occur at 5-6 PM on September 12, 2018 in the Le Centre Sheraton Montreal Hotel in the Level 4 East Ballroom.
This AGM will occur during the CARO-COMP-CAMRT meeting joint meeting in Montreal, QC. The AGM is a fantastic way to meet your peers and grow your professional network with other OAMP members. Attending the AGM also has the added benefit of raising your questions, concerns, or comments in general about meeting items discussed with the OAMP Board of Directors directly. During this year’s AGM, the OAMP Board of Directors will be announcing the name of a new Treasurer.
If you have any agenda items you would like to propose to be discussed at the AGM, please contact the OAMP.
Call for Elections
In the near future, the OAMP Board of Directors will make an announcement for interested candidates to apply for the position of Treasurer. The Treasurer is responsible for managing all finances and bookkeeping, and the new Treasurer position is for a 3-year term. If interested to apply, please send a letter of interest to our Secretary, Jeffrey Richer ( conveying who you are and why you think you are a fit for the role of the respective position.
Scope of Practice Document
Health Quality Ontario (HQO)’s 2016 report titled “Report and Recommendations on Modernizing Ontario’s Radiation Protection Legislation“ highlighted an urgent need to revamp the HARP Act. In December 2017, Ontario passed Bill 160, Strengthening Quality and Accountability for Patients Act, part of which is to legislate the use of Energy Applying and Detecting Medical Devices (EADMD). The Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care established a Task Force in early 2018 to assist in creating the associated regulations on EADMD’s. Although this Task Force has been put on hold given the recent provincial election, it is expected to resume and to use the HQO report as a road map for the new legislation.
In response, the OAMP has formed a Scope of Professional Practice of Medical Physics Working
Group (SoPPWG) to address scope of practice. The charge of the SoPPWG’s is as follows:
a) Perform an environmental scan of existing Medical Physics scope of professional practice documents (AAPM, COMP, etc.)
b) Review the current state of the professional practice of Medical Physics in Ontario through engagement of key stakeholders (Medical Physicists, Physics Associates/Assistants, Health Physicists, Biomedical Engineers, Accelerator Technologist, etc.)
c) Assess other professions’ scope of practice statements to determine the most appropriate
format for Ontario.
d) Develop a position statement for the OAMP on the professional practice of Medical Physics in Ontario
The SoPPWG document will provide a current overview of the practice of medical physics in Ontario. It is hoped this effort will provide guidance for the legislation under development but also help to inform the future practice of medical physics in Ontario. The members of the SoPPWG are Ernest Osei, Ting Lee, Rob Stodilka, and, Ian Cameron.
The SoPPWG is progressing well and will make a report at the upcoming AGM. If you have any questions or would like more information and/or participate in the process, please feel free to contact Jeffrey Richer ( Chair, SoPPWG.
Please feel free to contact for any questions, comments,
or concerns you would like to share with the OAMP Board of Directors.