The Board of Directors is committed to providing a voice for medical physicists in Ontario. Please feel free to contact the team if you have any questions about the OAMP.
Brian M Keller, PhD, DABR, FCCPM
Dr. Brian Keller is a senior medical physicist at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre in Toronto and an Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology at the University of Toronto. His educational background includes: B.Sc. in Physics (University of Waterloo), M.Sc. in Radiation Physics (McGill University), and a Ph.D. in Radiation Medicine/Medical Physics (University of Toronto). He worked as a clinical radiation oncology physicist in Miami from 1994 – 2000 during which time he served as a physics consultant to many radiation oncology departments. He is certified by the American Board of Radiology and is a Fellow of the Canadian College of Physicists in Medicine. He is currently the physics lead for the MR-Linac project at Sunnybrook and for research and development associated with the MR-Linac.
Past President
Joseph E Hayward, PhD, MCCPM
Joseph E. Hayward obtained his Ph.D. in Lasers and Electro-Optics from the Department of Engineering Physics at McMaster University in 1993. His doctoral dissertation was titled “Spectral Properties of 1.3 µm InGaAsP Semiconductor Diode Lasers”. He subsequently joined the biomedical optics group at the Juravinski Cancer Centre as a Research Associate to assist in the development of optical methods and instrumentation for the diagnosis, staging and treatment of cancer, as well as the monitoring of cancer treatments. In 1998, Joseph joined the Hamilton Regional Cancer Centre as a Medical Physicist. Currently Dr. Hayward is a Senior Medical Physicist and the Radiation Safety Officer at the Juravinski Cancer Centre. His current research interests include optical methods of monitoring radiation induced toxicities and non-invasive strategies to identify the margins of malignant skin lesions. Dr. Hayward is an Associate Professor in the Departments of Radiology and Medical Physics and Applied Radiation Sciences at McMaster University. He is also an Associate Member of the Department of Engineering Physics at McMaster University and is Chair of the Science Committee of the Canadian College of Physicists in Medicine.
Vice President
Katie Lekx-Toniolo, PhD, MCCPM
Katie Lekx-Toniolo is a Medical Physicist at The Ottawa Hospital Cancer Centre. Katie obtained both her undergraduate and PhD degrees in the Department of Medical Biophysics at the University of Western Ontario. Her doctoral thesis was investigating various aspects of ‘hibernating’ myocardium, a specific condition of heart disease where the heart tissue is not functioning appropriately but is still viable. Katie used a variety of imaging modalities in her graduate studies – PET, SPECT, MRI – which set a solid foundation of imaging physics before transitioning to therapy. Katie completed her medical physics residency at the Juravinski Cancer Centre in Hamilton before obtaining a staff position in Ottawa in 2008. She is lead of treatment planning, and is the lead physicist on the breast clinical practice group. She is also interested in incident learning and developing better & afer processes, and has recently joined the residency committee.
Tim Olding, PhD, MCCPM
Tim Olding, PhD, MCCPM is a Medical Physicist at the Cancer Centre of Southeastern Ontario in Kingston and an adjunct assistant professor in the Departments of Oncology and Physics at Queen’s University. He holds a BSc in Engineering Physics, an MSc in Engineering Physics, and a PhD in Physics from Queen’s University. Tim’s clinical and research interests include treatment planning, brachytherapy, end-to-end process validation, and a range of quality improvement initiatives in radiation therapy.
Nicholas Shkumat, MSc, DABR
Nicholas Shkumat, MSc, DABR is a diagnostic medical physicist at the Hospital for Sick Children and assistant professor in the Department of Medical Imaging at the University of Toronto. After receiving degrees from McMaster (Medical and Health Physics) and the University of Toronto (Medical Biophysics), Nick completed a diagnostic imaging physics residency at the University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center. Shortly thereafter, he obtained certification by the American Board of Radiology in Diagnostic Medical Physics while holding a staff position at the Cleveland Clinic. Nick is involved in all aspects of diagnostic medical physics at SickKids, with clinical, educational and academic responsibilities in radiography, fluoroscopy, interventional radiology, CT, and PET/CT.
Luc Serre, MSc, MCCPM
Luc Serre is a Medical Physicist at the Windsor Regional Hospital. Luc obtained his undergraduate degree from the University of Windsor’s department of Physics, then went on to obtain his masters degree from McGill University, with thesis focusing on ionization chamber cross-calibration. After a Medical Physics Residency in Windsor, Luc spent 5-months as a Medical Physicist at the Odette Cancer Centre, followed by his current long term employment as a Medical Physicist in Windsor (2011). Luc hold the Radiation Safety Officer title within the Windsor Regional Cancer Program, as well as the Associate Director of the Medical Physics Residency Program. Luc also has an appointment at the University of Windsor, as an Adjunct Assistant Clinical Professor, where he has taught the 4th year Radiation Physics course. Luc’s current work mainly focuses on treatment planning, Radiation Safety, brain HSRT, and the development/implementing software solutions for medical physics and treatment planning.